Training of family members and guardians for inclusion of ageing adults with disabilities
Inklu-aging je projekt, katerega cilj je spodbujati dejansko inkluzijo starejših invalidnih oseb. Ti pravzaprav lahko izkusijo nove potrebe in dinamiko, ki ne vplivajo le na njihovo življenje, ampak tudi na njihove družabne kroge, kot so družina in zakoniti skrbniki. Pri tem ne gre le za odnos do njih, temveč za nove spremembe in izzive, ki jih je treba obravnavati na obeh straneh. Staranje je zapleten zapleten življenjski proces, dezorientirani niso le starajoči se ljudje, ampak so lahko tudi tisti, ki skrbijo zanje. Zato želimo s tem projektom razviti neformalna izobraževalna orodja za obe strani pri vključevanju, z zagotavljanjem konkretnih ključnih ukrepov in dobrih praks.
Ustvarili bomo tudi interaktivno gradivo, kot so spoti, video posnetki z nasveti o določenih temah, z namenom ozaveščanja in izobraževanja o odgovornostih in vlogah tistih, ki skrbijo za starajočo se populacijo.
Pravzaprav je cilj projekta nameniti pozornost različnim vidikom staranja, kot so življenjski slog, telesne spretnosti in zdravstvene razsežnosti, stresni izzivi in omejitve. Veliko vrednost pripisujemo tudi mreži socialne podpore, izvajanju socializacijskih aktivnosti in odnosu do vrstniške skupine.
Razviti komplet orodij za usposabljanje staršev in zakonitih skrbnikov ostarelih invalidov;
Razviti izobraževalni priročnik za starše, ki bo nudil podporo staršem, družinskim članom in zakonitim skrbnikom ostarelih ljudi z motnjami v duševnem razvoju;
Ustvarjanje izobraževalnih video vsebin za družine;
Oblikovanje obsežnega spletnega vira s kategorizirano bazo podatkov;
Priprava poročila s priporočili o procesu reševanja problemov, ki se nanašajo na zagotovljanje storitev za ostarele invalide.
Razvoj neformalnega izobraževalnega gradiva za družinske člane in zakonite skrbnike za varno staranje in opolnomočenje za učinkovitega sodelovanje v družbenem življenju;
Z razvojem kompleta orodij, priročnika za izobraževanje staršev in izobraževalnih video posnetkov zagotoviti orodja, povezana z:
- Prepoznavanje omejitev;
- Izzivi in spremembe v kognitivnih in telesnih zmogljivostih, socialnih podpornih omrežjih, fizičnem in psihičnem zdravju;
- Zdrave življenjske navade.
Vzpostavitev spletnega učnega središča za družinske člane in skrbnike ostarelih invalidov, vključno z vizualnimi nasveti, praktičnimi rešitvami, vodniki ABC, pogosto zastavljenimi vprašanji in odgovori, videoposnetki, dobrimi praksami in novicami;
Pilotni preizkus spletnega učnega središča;
Razvoj poročila o priporočilih politike.
- R1 – Zbirka orodij za usposobljanje staršev in zakonitih skrbnikov ostarelih invalidov;
- Download Brochure
- R2 – Priročnik za izobraževanje staršev;
- Download
- R3 – Izobraževalne video vsebine za družine;
- R4 – Središče za spletno učenje za družinske člane starejših invalidov;
- R5 – Poročilo o priporočilih politike. – Policy
The Educational Spot videos
After the Toolkit, the Parental Education Guidebook, the HUB and the policy recommendation report, the consortium finalized educational spot videos that offer practical guidance to families caring for ageing adults with intellectual disabilities. These videos cover essential topics to help families recognize limitations, face and overcome challenges, and manage changes…
The policy recommendation report is ready!
The consortium of the Inclu-Ageing project finally finalized the Policy Recommendation Report (R5), as result of an analysis of the current European laws with the goal to support family members and legal guardians of ageing adults with disabilities. In fact, the research focused on the national, national and local legislations,…
The Italian event to promote the project
The “Inclu-ageing: Training of family members and guardians for inclusion of ageing adults with disabilities” project, before coming to its end, has been presented to the project target group in all the consortium’s countries and therefore, in Palermo (Italy) at the CEIPES office on 29th of March, 2024. In fact,…
The project comes to its end
The “Inclu-ageing” project, born out of a commitment to develop non-formal education materials aimed at empowering ageing adults, promoting their inclusion, and enhancing their social participation, will reach its end on 31.03.202 after a productive journey. At the heart of the project\'s triumph lay the collaborative efforts of the Consortium,…
The testing phase in Palermo
As societies worldwide grapple with the challenges posed by an aging population, innovative solutions are crucial to ensure inclusivity, well-being, and dignity for adults and aging people with disabilities. In response to this pressing need, the consortium of the Inclu-ageing project is implementing pilot activities to test the material produced…
Keeping to promote international collaboration for the inclusion
Recently concluding its final consortium meeting in Warsaw, the Inclu-ageing project reached a significant milestone with the successful final conference organized by The Maria Grzegorzewska University (APS) on January 31, 2024. This collaborative endeavour has united partners from the diverse countries of the consortium, fostering discussions and implementations of policies…
Empowering caregivers: The comprehensive parental education guidebook
Caring for aging adults with intellectual disabilities can be a challenging and rewarding experience. As parents or family members, it is crucial to have the necessary knowledge and support to provide the best care for your loved ones. To address this need, the consortium of Inclu-ageing dedicated their time and…
The meeting in Zagreb
Last 28th and 29th of September the 4th transnational meeting of the project took place, hosted by the partner OIST in the city of Zagreb. During the meeting in Zagreb, issues related to the current progress of the project, the next steps to be taken and the quality of the…
The toolkit is here
The consortium of the Inclu-ageing project (2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000026916) finalised the first deliverable, which is the toolkit on how to train parents and legal guardians of ageing adults with disabilities. Every individual, regardless of their abilities, deserves access to the resources and support necessary for a fulfilling and meaningful life. For individuals…
Together again!
The Consortium of the KA2 Erasmus+ Inclu-ageing project (2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000026916) met again for the third time in Athens, hosted by ESTIA on 30-31 March 2023! It was a good chance for partners to properly discuss about the immediate and next actions to carry out for the progress of the project. In…