The toolkit is here

maj 22, 2023

The consortium of the Inclu-ageing project (2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000026916) finalised the first deliverable, which is the toolkit on how to train parents and legal guardians of ageing adults with disabilities. 

Every individual, regardless of their abilities, deserves access to the resources and support necessary for a fulfilling and meaningful life. For individuals with intellectual disabilities, aging can present unique challenges, making it crucial for families, caregivers and trainers to have the necessary knowledge and skills to provide effective support. 

To address this issue, a comprehensive toolkit is being developed for families, caregivers, and trainers of adults with disabilities. The goal is to equip individuals and organizations with the necessary tools to support aging adults with disabilities and promote social inclusion. To ensure the quality and utility of the toolkit, each partner of the consortium created an advisory board to check the quality of the product. They gave their important opinion and share their experience and expertise.  

What will be found are information and tools related to cognitive and physical skills, social support network and physical health of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities. Some of them are related to social skills training, to drama activities, alpacotherapy, adult speech therapy, health management, as well as associations and communities taking care of ageing people with disabilities and much more.  

In conclusion, the development of a comprehensive training program for families, caregivers, and trainers is a crucial step in supporting aging adults with intellectual disabilities. By enhancing knowledge and skills, promoting social inclusion, and addressing the unique needs of individuals with disabilities, we can ensure that every person has access to the resources and support they need to live their best life. 

Access the toolkit at the following link.

Take a look on the brochure about this first result here.

Stay tuned to the project progress following its Facebook page! 


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