The Educational Spot videos  

Lug 25, 2024

After the Toolkit, the Parental Education Guidebook, the HUB and the policy recommendation report, the consortium finalized educational spot videos that offer practical guidance to families caring for ageing adults with intellectual disabilities. These videos cover essential topics to help families recognize limitations, face and overcome challenges, and manage changes in cognitive, physical, and social aspects of ageing. Geared towards parents, family members, and legal guardians, the project equips them with the knowledge and skills needed to support their loved ones effectively. 

The videos are divided into 7 topics: 

  • Recognizing Limitations – Educating families on identifying physical, cognitive, and emotional limitations, such as decreased mobility, memory changes, and signs of stress, allowing for timely interventions. 
  • Facing and Overcoming Challenges – Providing a roadmap for overcoming common obstacles, this video emphasizes maintaining a positive attitude, seeking professional help, and using adaptive tools and technologies. 
  • Tips for Cognitive Capacities – Offering practical tips for managing changes in cognitive abilities, this topic suggests engaging in memory-enhancing activities, creating structured routines, and providing clear instructions to maintain cognitive functions.  
  • Tips for Physical Abilities: This topic discusses addressing physical decline by using assistive devices, incorporating physical exercises, and making home modifications to ensure safety and improve overall well-being. 
  • Tips for Social Support Networks: Highlighting the importance of social connections, families are guided on strengthening social support networks through community activities, fostering peer relationships, and utilizing support groups.
  • Tips for Physical Health: Focused on managing physical health, this topic provides tips on monitoring health conditions, managing medications, and promoting regular check-ups, balanced nutrition, and exercise. 
  • Emphasizing Healthy Lifestyle Habits: This video emphasizes the importance of balanced nutrition, regular physical activity, adequate sleep, and mental stimulation, offering practical advice on creating healthy routines. 

Utilizing innovative and interactive designs with engaging animations, the videos are accessible and relatable, available in multiple languages for broad applicability across different cultural contexts. Check them out on the project YouTube channel and on the HUB! 

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