Moving forward with the inclusion

wrz 26, 2022

On 19 and 20 September, CEIPES hosted in Palermo the 2nd transnational meeting of the project (2021-1-PL01-KA220-ADU-000026916).

The main goal of this project is the development of non-formal material to support family members and legal guardians of ageing adults with intellectual disabilities. In fact, it has been already created a toolkit to train them and increase their knowledge, skills and competences. During the meeting, the Consortium discussed its finalization, as well as the production of a specific parental educational guidebook, based on the recognition of limitation, the addressing of challenges and tips for the psychological, social and physical well-being. This purpose isn’t just related to the disabled ageing adults, but also to their caregivers. Like always, there’s a particular attention paid on the project quality assurance, a task of which CEIPES is leader.

The partners also discussed about the best way to make accessible all this material and the graphic image of the project, such as the web site and the posters. Besides, the official project’s Facebook and YouTube channel will be created soon, to give updates of the project and news related to the disability field.

As next step, the partners will realize educational spot videos for families, with tips on how recognize limitations, overcome challenges and changes, especially in:

  • Cognitive and physical capacities;
  • Social support networks;
  • The physical health.

CEIPES will present a plan for the videos during the third transnational meeting in Athens!

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